Monday, January 4, 2010

Yeshter Baccay's Campaign of Hate

Featured Writer is Yeshter Donn Baccay
Bachelor of Laws, and AB Behavioral Science graduate of UST
Baccay, Hussin and Vizconde Law Office

I really can't comprehend where the campaign of hate of Noynoy Aquino and his team will figure its place in the coming campaign season. I can neither figure out its relevance nor its purpose.

Firstly, the campaign of hate is directled agaist PGMA. In fact, it was dubbed as the battle between bad and evil. Evil is PGMA and of course the self declared good is himself. In one interview he even professed that he never lied in his entire life. Well, that remains to be determined and only he and God know the real score. But, what I cant understand is why run a campaign against PGMA? Her term shall end on 30 June 2010 and she is not a candidate in this election. What benefit will he get in continuing to profer his hate against PGMA? Granting he proves that PGMA is evil, so what? PGMA will step down anyway.

Secondly, I am yet to hear from him an iota of reference that Gibo is PGMA. Had I heard him made a direct reference that Gibo is PGMA I would understand his hate campaign against PGMA. But he would not dare make such reference for in his mind and heart he knows that Gibo can never be PGMA. He should know, he is a relative. Fortunately, he is gentleman enough to accept this fact that Gibo has never sullied the good name of their family.

Thirdly, they are so busy proferring their hate against PGMA that almost always they failed to deliver the basic message of their prospective government. What is their basic platform and how are they going to go about in implementing it. They are losing track because of this campaign of hate. Surely, everyone can easily be convinced to hate PGMA, and so what? What's next? Just hate her, that's it? That is how you are going to run your government?

Now, it occurs to me that they just want to win the election. But ill bet my bottom dollar until now they have no concrete plan of action in case they win. This is the danger there. People around him will start to struggle for power within a weak government. Then we go back to an unstable government beseiged by internal and external threats. We can't afford to have that kind of government.

If I were them, I would focus on their platform and how they can relay it to the people. To make the people understand how they would go about the government in case elected. Hate for PGMA is irrelevant in this election. It is how you gain the trust and confidence of the people which really counts.

Everybody knows Adolf Hilter. Who would not? he is the most notorious dictator that the world ever encountered. His rise to power was brought about by a simple formula - A CAMPAIGN OF HATE. He professed an open hatred for the Jew's which at that time was the greatest financial influence over Europe. His hate for the Jews is evident in his writings particularly the Mein Kampf.

To quote Wikipedia:

"Two passages in Mein Kampf mention the use of poison gas:

At the beginning of the Great War, or even during the War, if twelve or fifteen thousand of these Jews who were corrupting the nation had been forced to submit to poison-gas . . . then the millions of sacrifices made at the front would not have been in vain.

These tactics are based on an accurate estimation of human weakness and must lead to success, with almost mathematical certainty, unless the other side also learns how to fight poison gas with poison gas. The weaker natures must be told that here it is a case of to be or not to be."

With this philosophy and taking advantage of the then vulnerable situation of Germany, Hitler was able to penetrate politics and establishe himself as its Chancellor. The vulnerability of the economy made the Germans swallow his philosophy without question.

Hitler has canny enough to know the phsyche of each individual. An appeal to the emotion can be easily be made when an individual is placed under the proper circumstances. Most easy is an appeal for hatred. By making a person believe that they are suffering and by conviniently pointing at a particular source of that suffering, an individual, more often by the use of his sense and not reason, shall deliberately hate. A delusional hatred which knows no reason.

The culmination of his Campaign of Hate, as we all know, is the Holocaust. The largest extent of murder the world shockingly experienced.

But Hitler is Hitler. He was intelligent enough to manage his power well for the betterment of Germany. When he was made Chancellor, he was able to revive the ailing economy of Germany bringing about the greatest economic, industrial and cultural expansion it ever had. And had he not been driven by greed and a misplaced philosophy Germany could still have been a formidable economy until now.

It is Hitler's ability to take control and singularly decide what he think is best for Germany that allowed it, for a period, to benefit from Hitler's Campaign of Hate.

In the first part of this THE CAMPAIGN OF HATE SERIES, i pointed out that Noynoy's Campaign of Hate is off tangent. The manipulation of the voters feelings was designed mainly to catapult the opposition to power. And that's it.

Without a concrete and sensible platform we are at a limbo as to what they are offering the Filipino people. Worse, they offer a seemingly weak leadership swayed by the whims and caprices of the people running the show. We are doomed for anarchy if he cannot even stand for himself. The leadership anchors mainly on his popularity the foundation of which is not of his own merits but that of what is now commonly referred to as a "family legacy".

Don't get me wrong. I personally admire his parents. I acknowledge their sacrifice for the country. I was one of those who grieved when we lost them. But they stood on their own merits, especially the martyred father. But I find Noynoy to be wanting having failed to present us a concrete platform of government in touched with the present actuality of the country.

You cannot offer the Filipinos an esoteric light when their stomachs are crumbling in the darkness of poverty. You cannot offer the Filipinos a family legacy when they cannot even hold their own together because they have to leave the country for greener pastures. You cannot offer the Filipinos a social contract when they cannot read the same.

I would not mind Noynoy campaigning for hate against PGMA, like Hitler did agaist the Jews, if he could do, as Hitler did, a great economic, industrial and cultural progress and expansion for the country through a concrete and sensible platform.

But until then, I shall imagine him as a Hitler who would do a Holocaust to the Filipino people. My two cents worth.